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Portfolio of Work

Below is a selection of commissioned client work and projects I have led and contributed to.

Carlile Swimming

PR and Media Campaign

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KU Castlecrag Preschool

Crisis Communication Plan


Don't Be An Old Bag

Campaign Portfolio

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Creative Working Coming soon

Watch this space

Client Work: Projects

Professional History

My Experience

 2010 -  Present


For multiple clients in Sydney, with the responsibility of as many as a single to 7 children, from engagements ranging from a few hours to a full week

December 2014 - May 2018

Swimming Supervisor Carlile Swimming

I have risen through the roles from instructor to supervisor and train the trainer.  In addition I have been a water-babies instructor, a trusted position only given to a select number of advanced instructors, which ultimately is more about training the parents than the infants. Finally I was shift supervisor for the Castle Cove facility for the final 12 months.

March 2016 - March 2019

Direct Image

Australian promotion and talent agency, which runs public relation events, ranging from promoting brands and activities at shopping malls, outdoor music events and council events in Sydney.

Client Work: CV
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